November,(1st lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021
1 What's the time? Watch the video and revise how to answer the question about the time 2 What time do you usually go out? Which places can we visit when we are hungry? Put the letters into correct order to play and know these places. Ex.1p.24 in your SB can help you Places to eat 3 Read the text SB p.24 ex.2 , complete the sentences and write down them into your notebooks 1 There are some....... 2 There are two ....... 3 There's a good...... 4 There's a....... 5 There's ...... 4 First watch the video and then do the exercise (follow the link ) 5 Home assignment - переглянути всі відео уроку - виконати онлайн вправу пункту №2 - написати і надіслати речення пункту №3 (використовувати підручник) - виконати вправу за покликанням у пункті №4 ( зайти за...