2nd lesson of the week (24/01/2022 - 28/01/20022)

1 Sing and dance

2 Watch the video and revise the rules about the Present Simple Tense
3 Open your WB p.32, do and check ex.2, 3, 4
exercise 2
1 exercises, finishes, relaxes
2 cries, does, goes, has, studies
3 gets, makes, meets

exercise 3
2 go 3 spends 4 goes 5 get 6 give 7 has
exercise 4
2 We don’t go shopping at the weekend.
3 My brother doesn’t spend a lot of time on his computer in the evening.
4 Eva doesn’t go to the cinema every Saturday.
5 You don’t get good marks in English!
6 The teachers don’t give us lots of homework on Fridays.
7 My cousin doesn’t have a big lunch every day.
4 Open your SB p36 ex.1. Write the words into your vocabularies,  learn the new words by heart.
budgie |ˈbʌdʒɪ| - хвилястий папуга 
hamster |ˈhæmstə| - хом'як
guinea pig  |ˈɡɪnɪpɪɡ|морська свинка
pony |ˈpəʊnɪ|поні, кінь низькорослої породи
tortoise |ˈtɔːtəs|черепаха
5  Home assignment 
SB p36 ex.1Write the words into your vocabularies,  learn the new words by heart.


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