3rd lesson of the week (24/01/2022 - 28/01/2022)

1 Sing and dance
2 Play and revise the words on the topic "Pets"pets

Open your WB and do exercise 1 p32 ( answers : 1D, 2C, 3E, 4A, 5B)
3 Watch the video and revise the rules about the Present Simple Tense

4  SB p.36 ex.2, read and translate the text
5 WB p.32 ex5,6
6 Home assignment WBp32ex5,6 - do and check, use these answers: 
exercise 5 
2 We don’t have English on Mondays.
3 My sister doesn’t help my mum with the housework.
4 Our cat doesn’t sleep a lot.
5 Mike often watches TV in the evening.
6 You never eat crisps.
7 My friends go to yoga on Thursdays.

exercise 6 
2 sleeps 3 doesn’t eat 4 goes 5 goes 6 don’t see 7 meets 8 has 9 likes 10 doesn’t finish 11 visits 12 give


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