02.05 - 06.05.2022 (LESSON 2)


1 Look at the picture and answer some questions.

- Who do you see in the picture?(Кого ви бачите на малюнку?)

- Where are they?(Де вони?)

- What is the weather like?(Яка погода?)

- How are they feeling?  (Як вони почуваються?)

- What are they doing? (Що вони роблять?)

2 What are they talking about? Let's listen to SB p50 and read.

3 Watch the video about Present Simple and Present Continuous and find(знайдіть) examples of these tenses in the dialogue above (зверху), count them. 

Present Simple - 4 examples, Present Continuous - 6 examples

HOME ASSIGNMENT: follow the link WB p50  and do the exercises, press finish, type your name and surname, press send.


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

November, (2nd lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021

November,(1st lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021

3rd lesson of the week (24/01/2022 - 28/01/2022)