23.05 - 27.05.2022 (LESSON 1)

 1 Revise the vocabulary,(повторюємо слова) 


Read and translate the words from the wordlist, dictionaries online can help you.

2 Do and then check yourself
Answers:1 Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, Physics, RE  2 dictionary, eraser, exercise book, pen, pencil, pencil case, ruler, school bag, sports bag, textbook
3 between, in, in front of, next to, on, under

3 Do and then check yourself

 Answers: 2 revise 3 friend, go 4 uniform 5 have
Home assignment: Довчити слова теми, використовуючи Wordlist 


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

November (2nd lesson, the second week, 08 - 12 ) 2021

November, (2nd lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021

November,(1st lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021