13.02.2023 How many.../How much...?

1 Answer the questions

2 Revise the words and their definitions

3 What do you use these things for?
I've got a smartphone.I often send texts to my friends. I always phone my family.

4 Sounds /W/ and /V/

5 How much / How many - Скільки
Uncountable - незлічувані/ Countable - злічувані

SB p124-125 Unit 11 Grammar

SB p148 ex3

Перегляньте відео для кращого розуміння вправ уроку

Home assignment
WB p51 ex1,2,3


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

November (2nd lesson, the second week, 08 - 12 ) 2021

November, (2nd lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021

November,(1st lesson, the first week 01-05), 2021